We met with the county on March 27th to continue negotiations.
We have made it through the initial review and discussion of our entire package of proposals with the county. Discussions included our reasons and the intent behind the proposals.
The county has provided some initial feedback on them. Our full negotiations committee will be meeting on April 1st to review this feedback and discuss our path moving forward.
We go back to the table with the county April 11th.
We sat down with the county this past Monday, March 11th.
We are approximately halfway through the initial discussion of our proposals. (We have a total of 51 proposals, several of them with subsections.)
Once we have gone through ours, the county will have the opportunity to initially discuss and present theirs. There has been no finality set to any of the proposals we have discussed at this time.
We will meet again on March 27th, and we will continue to go through the initial discussions of our remaining proposals. We have not delved into a substantive discussion regarding wages and do not anticipate that happening at least until Baker Tilly fully releases the results of their salary study and it is formally released for the review of our legislative body and presented to the workforce.
We have also scheduled April 11th and 25th for continuing negotiations with the county.
Update December 17th, 2024:
We have been actively negotiating and we have made some progress. At this time, we have not reached an agreement to bring back to our membership for consideration. We will continue to actively negotiate with the County and we will update you as progress changes. In the meantime, we have scheduled membership- negotiation update meetings to be held on January 13th and 14th from 3:30 - 5:00 and 5:30-7:00pm downstairs at the Local office (201 Stockade Drive, Kingston, NY 12401). This is your opportunity to come and ask questions or provide feedback.
We met with the County on September 19th and have exchanged proposals for our 2025 contract. There are no dramatic proposals that have been brought forward by the county. In contrast, we have brought forward a substantial, very large package of proposals that was put together from all of the contract surveys received. As of now, three negotiation meetings have been scheduled: October 23rd, November 18th, and December 3rd.
3/19/21 - CSEA Unit 8950 has requested dates from the County in order to get back to the table for contract negotiations.
Monday - May 3, 2021 - The negotiation committee met with the county today and positive progress was made. While we didn’t reach a final agreement, we believe we are on the path toward that goal. Our next meeting will be held: Wednesday May 19th.
Wednesday, May 19th - Unit 8950’s negotiation team and the County have reached an agreement. It will take a couple weeks to get the Memorandum of Agreement prepared. Once this is completed, we will schedule several informational meetings in June to discuss with all members.
Thursday, May 27th - We are pleased to announce that we have a signed Memorandum of Agreement with the County. Informational meetings will be held June 21, 22, and 23 at the former Best Buy located at the Hudson Valley Mall. Meeting times will be at 4pm and 6pm each night.
A zoom meeting will also be scheduled for June 24 at 6pm. You can email president@cseaunit8950.com to request the link. Please include your full name and work location in your email.
A ratification vote will be held June 28, 2021 from 6am-8pm at our Local’s office located on 200 Stockade Drive in Kingston. If you would like a copy of the MOA prior to the meetings, please reach out to your shop stewards or one of the negotiation committee members.
You will be required to wear a mask (regardless of vaccination status) at the in person meetings and the ratification vote. Social distancing guidelines will be followed.
Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 9:20 AM - Contract was ratified by an overwhelming margin in excess of 24 to 1.
Next step: The MOA is scheduled to go before the legislature July 20th for ratification.
We will keep you posted.
Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 - The County has agreed to meet for our first negotiation session, on Friday, February 21st, 2020 at 10am. Please stay posted here for further updates.
2020 Contract Update Posts (Scroll down for the most recent entry)
3/28/20 - The negotiations session scheduled for Friday, 4/3/20 has been canceled due to the current COVID 19. Our next session is scheduled for 4/23/20. Stayed tuned for potential changes. And to those county employees who are deemed essential and continuing to work, CSEA Unit 8950, extends it extreme appreciation. Stay safe!!
4/16/20 - All Scheduled negotiations scheduled for April, have been cancelled. Stayed tuned for updates.
Friday, February 21st,2020 - The negotiations committee met with the County today, for our first session. The County and CSEA exchanged and discussed all proposals. Our next session is Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
Wednesday, March 11th. 2020 - The Negotiations Committee met with the County today for the second time. We delved deeper into all of the proposals on both sides. We continue to negotiate in good faith. Our next negotiation session will take place on Friday 4/3/20. Janet Knott, President 8950
Last POST for 2020
9/13/19 - The Negotiations Committee met on Thursday, May 23,2019 and again on Thursday September 12th, 2019. The Committee reviewed the final draft of proposals that we intend to bring forward to the County. We will be notifying the County that Unit 8950 is ready to negotiate. I will continue to keep everyone posted. Please feel free to contact myself or anyone on the committee if you have any questions.
5/15/2019 - The Negotiations Committee continues to meet in preparation for full negotiations with the county. Our next committee meeting is Thursday, May 23rd, 2019
4/29/19 - Negotiations had to be cancelled for that day. The next date for negotiations to be announced.
4/18/19. The Negotiations Committee met again on Monday, April 15th, 2019. We have completed a review of all the surveys that were submitted. Thanks to those members who took time out to provide us with input for our negotiations. We have begun to develop the content and language for the proposals that have merit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly via the President's email or cell phone. The committee will meet again on Monday, April 29th, 2019.
4/9/19 The 2019 negotiation committee met on 4/2/19 to begin the process of reviewing the surveys that were submitted. We will meet again on 4/16/19 to continue the process of evaluating and prioritizing potential contract proposals. We plan to be ready to sit down with the County well prior to the end of 2019, when our current agreement terms. Please see the list of those members who currently serve on the negotiations committee.
Last POST for 2019
Monday - January 29th, 2018.
We were able to resolve the few final details of the contract prior to 2/6/18. As a result, I am pleased to report that we have reached a tentative agreement with the County. I am in the process of setting up 2 informational sessions for membership. Once those meetings are confirmed, we will schedule a ratification vote for all members in good standing. I want to thank the negotiations committee and our Labor Relations Specialist, Howard Baul for their efforts. Stay tuned for further details.
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018
Negotiations Post We met again with the County and have made significant progress. We are very close to reaching an agreement but still need to work out a few additional details. We should have those issues resolved at the time of our next meeting on 2/6/2018. Once we have reached an agreement, one or two informational sessions will be scheduled to discuss the details with membership. After this, a ratification vote by membership will occur. I am extemely proud of the committee's efforts to stay the course in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of membership. If you have any questions, please contact any member of the negotiating committee.
8/1/17 The contract negotiations team met with the County. The County was not prepared to exchange contract proposals, but ground rules were discussed, and dates for upcoming negotiations have been scheduled. Our next meeting is September 18, 2017, at which time we expect to exchange proposals with the County. We will be updating the website and facebook page with any contract news at that time."
Tuesday, December 19th, 2017 Negotiations Post We met again with the County, both sides are digging in with their proposals. There is push back in both directions, but we continue to negotiate in good faith. I am sure that many CSEA members are becoming impatient, but I ask you to respect the process, as we continue to represent everyone's best interest. We are making progress! Our next session is Tuesday, January 9th, 2018. Happy Holidays to you and your families.
Thursday, December 14th, 2017 Negotiations Post We met with the County as planned. There was a more detailed discussion regarding contract proposals, as compared to previous sessions. We continue to forge ahead and ask for your continued support and patience while we negotiate on your behalf. The next session is Tuesday, December 19th, 2017. CSEA membership ratified the Memorandum of Agreement for a new 3 year contract - by a margin of 15 to 1 (93% Yes, and 7% No). The next step in the process is for the County Legislature to put it on their agenda for a vote. Hopefully, it will be on the agenda for March. The wage increases and retroactive pay will not be processed until after the Legislature ratifies the Memorandum of Agreement. Thanks to all those members who voted!
11/13/17 We met with the County again. We were able to present the rest of our proposals and listened to the county proposals.
Our next negotiations is scheduled for Thursday, December 14th, 2017. We will be getting into more serious discussions as we enter into the real working phases of negotiations.
We continue to work hard for all CSEA members.
11/02/17 The CSEA negotiations team met with the County. We presented arguments/justifications for half of our proposals.We ran out of time to get through all of them, but are scheduled to meet again on Monday 11/13/17. There is a lot of work to be done as we remain in the early phases of negotiations.
The team and I continue to work hard on your behalf.
10/10/17 The CSEA negotiations team met with the County. We exchanged proposals, but there is nothing further to report. Our next negotiation is set for Thursday, 11/2/17. Please contact anyone on the negotiations team if you have any questions.
9/14/17 The County of Ulster notified us on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, that they are still not prepared to exchange proposals. That said, our negotiation meeting scheduled for Monday, September 18th, 2017 - has been cancelled.
Our next meeting will be on October 10th, 2017.
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